Adriana Rodriguez Adriana Rodriguez

Calling Us Home

Mother Nature is waiting for us. 

She’s right outside our front door.

She is our houseplants.

She is our parks.

She is in the outdoor flower pot you walk by everyday on your way to the office. 

She is on the highway as you drive home. 

She is the stars you look up to at night. 

She’s everywhere. 


The constant mother, just sitting and doing it all, with every possible life lesson and answer you can imagine.

We’ve lost sight of her and that’s ok. 

The screens are great at keeping our attention. 

She knew you’d come back sooner or later and she is just glad that you are beginning to see yourself in her.

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Adriana Rodriguez Adriana Rodriguez

Healing in the Garden

It all begins with an idea.

If I’m not a mom, what will my legacy be?

What will I leave behind?

How will my community or this earth remember me?

The answer is in Mother Mature. She has been a consistent mother.

She is neither good, bad or indifferent.  We see her every day. 

While we walk on the sidewalk, and drive along in our cars, and shovel snow, and use umbrellas or wear extra layers- 

Mother nature, who oftentimes dictates our mood (we don’t even realize it or give her thanks) has always been present. 

She’s neither good nor bad because she just is… 

Everyday she is out there germinating, growing, killing, destroying, ripping apart, dying the sentient plants, trees and soil. 

If we choose to look close enough we can see that she has always been present for us, just not in the way we realized. 

She experiences the life cycle everyday in so many ways we don’t have numbers to quantify it.

And the thing is, she is completely unbothered by your feelings.

She doesn’t feel sorry for you or pity you.

She isn’t excited whether you became a mom.

She doesn’t think any less or more of you.

And that’s because she is just being. She is germinating, feeding, destroying, dying, and giving birth everyday.

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Adriana Rodriguez Adriana Rodriguez

Nature’s Unfazed Embrace

It all begins with an idea.

Mother Nature remains unfazed by our emotions.

Since our feelings aren't contagious, we can find solace and comfort in her presence, easing the loneliness of being childless.

Many women without children face societal stigmas, including shame, self-doubt, and feelings of being different.

We've also often been subjected to pity, envy, disappointment, and judgment from family, friends, and society.

Whenever I feel overwhelmed by these emotions, I turn to my garden.

Wandering through it with a free-flowing mind, I observe the plants as they change, grow, struggle, and bear fruit.

After a long session of weeding, or watering, I feel refreshed, just like my plants themselves.

Suddenly, anger, sadness, and loneliness fade away as I realize that despite being childless, I can still nurture life and grow.

The feeling of being different disappears, replaced by a sense of connection and purpose.

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